Make Your Mark in Caring for Older Adults!

May 19th, 2020

May is Older Americans Month and this week, we’re excited to have a guest post by Wendy Phillips that is meant to be shared with your clients and patients!  Spring is a beautiful time in Utah, and the month of May has brought us bright blue skies and a return to outdoor activities. Despite the […]

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Did You Attend UAND’s Annual Legislatvie Day?

February 28th, 2014

On February 19th, UAND members met at the Utah State Capitol for UAND’s annual Legislative Day. Dr. Lyon-Cotti of the Hinckley Institute of Politics at the University of Utah shared her knowledge of the local government and how to be an effective citizen lobbyist. Afterwards members were able to try to speak with their local […]

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Public Policy Workshop (PPW) 2013: Day Three

March 15th, 2013

Rickelle Richards, Emily Vaterlaus, Charlotte Vincent, and Bonnie Athas have represented UAND well at the PPW this week – thank you to them for all of their updates from the conference!  Advocacy is such an important pillar of our organization. Members of Congress Send PPW Attendees Off to the Hill in High Spirits The President […]

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Public Policy Workshop (PPW) 2013: Day Two

March 12th, 2013

Thanks again to Rickelle Richards – Advocacy Chair – for this update directly from the PPW! Believing in a Candidate: Grassroots Efforts for a Sustainable Impact The Academy’s Legislative Public Policy Chair, Karen K. Ehrens, RD, LRD, emphasized that grassroots efforts to sustain congressional relationships are “the way to get things done.” She added that […]

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Public Policy Workshop (PPW) 2013: Day One Events

March 11th, 2013

Thanks to Rickelle Richards – Advocacy Chair – for this update from DC!  Look for more updates coming soon. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is Making History at PPW 2013! The President of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ethan Bergman PhD, RD, CD, FADA, kicked off the Academy’s 2013 Public Policy Workshop (PPW) […]

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CMS Proposes Expanded Hospital Dietitian Privileges for Ordering Diets

February 11th, 2013

As you know, the Academy has been engaged in conversations with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for approximately two years regarding therapeutic diet order regulations. These regulations preclude RDs from ordering patients’ diets and result in costly and harmful delays in patient care. We have met and communicated frequently with CMS on […]

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Fiscal Cliff Update from the Academy House of Delegates

January 14th, 2013

Thanks to Katie McDonald – our UAND Delegate for passing this along! Current Situation-Getting Off the Cliff The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 passed both chambers of Congress this week and is expected to be signed by President Obama.  There still is no entitlement reform or sequestration (funding cuts) included in this bill. These will […]

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Academy Action Alert: Avert Sequestration before December 31

December 10th, 2012

Right now, the United States Congress only has until December 31st to act before Sequestration cuts billions from Medicare reimbursements, older adult nutrition services and community food programs.  As nutrition professionals, we really need to tell Congress ASAP to avert sequestration with a balanced and fair approach that protects vital food and nutrition programs. The fact is that […]

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Take Your Congressman to Work Campaign 2012

August 20th, 2012

Thanks to Rickelle Richards, UAND Public Policy Coordinator and Advocacy Chair, for the information about this important campaign! Join RDs across the nation in visiting Congressmen in their local districts! Utah Congressmen will be in their home offices across the state until Sept. 6th which gives RDs a chance to visit them at a less-busy […]

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UAND Board Members Attend the Academy’s Public Policy Workshop in Washington DC

June 4th, 2012

One of the best opportunities to elevate our profession and the health and wellness of Americans is to become active in nutrition and dietetics related public policy.  Some of the greatest advancements for dietitians in recent history are the product of the efforts of the Academy and advocacy from thousands of dietitians and citizens across the […]

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