Utah Dietitians Visit Grass Fed Beef Farm

July 13th, 2015

A month or so ago, Utah dietitians had the opportunity to visit Crandall Farms (who grows Jones Creek Beef), a beef farm in Utah County. This was a great opportunity to learn about because as a dietitian, I get lots of questions about the food science and agricultural arm of foods. To be honest, I don’t know much when it comes to how food is grown or the specific make up of foods. So it was obviously great to learn about the specific farming practices of this particular outfit and what is entailed in growing grass fed beef.

The cattle at Crandall Farms eats solely grass, roams around a large open field, they seemed to be pretty happy, and are being raised by people who love what they do and love their animals.

Luckily after our tour of the field, we got to go back and sample solely grass fed beef. I knew the taste was distinctive, but little did I know just how much better grass fed beef tasted! The steaks they cooked, seasoned with just salt and pepper, were among if not the best steak I’d ever eaten. Health benefits aside (farmers cite that grass fed beef is lower in fat, higher in heart protective omega 3 acids, and antioxidants-although I’d like to see more research to prove these benefits), the stronger beefy flavor is enough to convert me to grass fed beef.

Thanks to Crandall Farms and the Utah Beef Council for the great and tasty tour of a grass fed beef yard! I look forward to picking up some Jones Creek Beef at my local Walmart (here’s where you can find it)



Articles on Nutritional differences of Grass Fed Beef:







Posted by: UAND Social Media

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