Check Out These UAND Conference Speakers

March 17th, 2014

Look for these exceptional speakers at the UAND Annual Conference

Thursday Opening General Session – Lights, Camera, Passion!

Darin Adams of KSL opens this year’s annual meeting with his presentation, “Lights, Camera, Passion!” Is it enough just to know and teach nutrition principles? No! As nutrition professionals, we must get others to accept and adopt healthy lifestyle practices. Darin’s presentation will teach us to identify the principles which we are most passionate about and use that passion to influence change in our practice settings.

Darin was part of the start-up team that launched the daily, lifestyle TV program. His team soon became the highest-rated, locally produced lifestyle program in the country. They outlined a communication strategy, utilizing social media, print, broadcast, and non-traditional strategies. Darin managed multiple projects, wrote for a variety of outlets, and oversaw creation of video presentations. He has presented to thousands of executives and employees, executing both strategic and tactical communication. Darin has managed projects for large clients as well as coached and consulted for individual clients. We look forward to hearing from Darin on Thursday morning.

What are you passionate about?


Thursday Morning Breakout Sessions:

1. Dayle Hayes, Rocking the Social Media World: 7 Habits of Highly Successful RDs/DTRs

  • Dayle will describe the process of building a personal brand online, discuss the major social media channels applicable to dietetic practice, and list at least three action steps to enhance your online presence.

2. Sherrie Calles: Get it in, Keep it in, Keep it running!

  • Adventures in bedside feeding tube placement and other hands-on feeding tube related activities by registered dietitians. This session will describe the experience of one team of clinical dietitians as they implemented bedside feeding tube placement, feeding tube bridle placement, and feeding tube clog clearing. Sherrie will discuss how and why they chose to do it, and the pros and cons of adding these new tasks to their workload. She will briefly review feeding tube and bridle placement technique, and illustrate how dietitian involvement helps improve patient care and reduce cost. Sherrie hopes the discussion will be thought provoking and will prompt you to consider whether hands-on feeding tube care is something you are ready to pursue.

3. Amy Jackson, Celiac Disease and Gluten Free Diets

  • Amy will identify signs and symptoms of Celiac Disease, identify proper diagnosis of the disease, and identify treatment strategies for Celiac Disease.

4. Patricia Guenther, Code of Ethics for the Dietetics Profession

  • Patricia will state the function and purpose of the Academy/CDR Code of Ethics, instruct where to access the Academy/CDR Code of Ethics from the Academy website, or the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic;, identify Academy resources available regarding the Academy/CDR Code of Ethics, which are available for Academy members (credentialed and non-credentialed), and non-Academy member CDR credentialed practitioners; and identify the distinction between ethical issues, legal, business, policy, or personal issues.


Friday Opening General Session – The Sustainable Dinner Plate

We are fortunate to hear from Mary Lee Chin who specializes in significant food issues and nutrition trends, and working with commodity food groups and the food industry on nutrition education initiatives. She has spoken on some of the most recent provocative food topics, including genetically modified foods, environmental and sustainability issues and alternative sweeteners, and exploring the science while respecting individual philosophies. Aware that many divisive and emotional food issues ignite a firestorm of debate, she advocates moving from polarizing rhetoric to open and professional dialogue.

Mary Lee nationally reaches businesses, non-profits and health professionals, and has served as an expert witness on food related issues in federal and legislative hearings. She was recently invited to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics “RD Farmer & Agriculture Committee of Experts” to advise on their “Future of Food” initiative. Mary Lee serves on the Advisory Boards of the Center for Human Nutrition at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and the Community Health & Nutrition Program at University of Northern Colorado. She was named Outstanding Dietitian of the Year by the Colorado Dietetic Association in both 2012 and 1985, and a recipient of Denver’s “2007 Women of Distinction” Award from Girl Scouts of America-Mile High Chapter. Mary Lee formerly held a six-year term as one of the original national spokespersons for the 70,000 member Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a regular consultant for local and national media, working to clarify news about controversial nutrition issues and countering myths and misinformation. Based on her communications experience, she conducts platforms, communications and on-camera media training for health professionals.

We look forward to her presentation about the impact eco-friendly food sourcing trends have on consumer behavior and how we can advocate for civility and positive practical guidance leading to more sustainable food sourcing and production methods.

More Friday General Session Speakers

Eosiniphilic Esophagitis & Food Allergies

Following the awards luncheon on Friday, we will hear from Dr. Rafael Firszt who will illuminate the distinctions between Eosiniphilic Esophagits (EE) and IgE mediated food allergies, discuss the pathophysiology and clinical characteristics of EE, as well as describe the current management and nutrition challenges associated with EE. Dr. Firszt is an accomplished physician and instructor. He is a certified member of the American Board of Allergy and Immunology, and the American Board of Pediatrics. He received his medical school training and residency at McGill University and then fulfilled his fellowship in Allergy and Immunology at Duke University. Dr. Firszt is an assistant professor for the University of Utah School of Medicine and Primary Children’s Medical Center in Pediatric Allergy and Immunology and an adjunct instructor in Dermatology. We are privileged to have the opportunity to learn from such an accomplished doctor.


Exercise is Medicine

The final speaker of this year’s conference is presented by Dr. Liz Joy. She will present public health data and population solutions related to healthy lifestyle, and policies that have been created and implemented to promote population health improvement. Dr. Joy will also discuss how dietitians and other nutrition professionals can support clients’ or patients’ personal efforts to change helping them achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Joy is the Medical Director for Clinical Outcomes Research for Intermountain Medical Center and an adjunct professor at the University of Utah in Family Practice and Sports Medicine. She is serving on many committees focused on health and wellness including the Physical Activity Nutrition and Obesity (PANO) Healthcare Task Force, Utah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Quality, and The University of Utah Athletics Advisory Committee. She has published several articles about obesity prevention and the importance of physical activity for health. We are honored to have her speak at our conference.


Extra Activities

For additional networking and learning this year:

  • Join Scott Moore as he teaches yoga Thursday afternoon. Use your mind and body as you practice yoga exercises and learn about a mind-body approach to wellness and techniques to enhance life balance
  • Participate in a special dinner sponsored by Abbott Nutrition featuring Dr. Hegazi Thursday evening. There is limited availability for the dinner presentation about Immune Modulating Enteral Nutrition. Register now at: 

The complete agenda and program for the annual conference can be found here.

Posted by: UAND Social Media

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